Atlyss Armor Guide

Overview of Atlyss Armor System

Atlyss Armor is equippable gear in Atlyss that comes in 6 types: Helm, Cape, Chest, Legs, Shield, and Ring. Certain Atlyss armor pieces are locked to a specific Class and can only be worn at a certain level.

Atlyss Armor provides stat bonuses that increase:

Class-Specific Atlyss Armor

Certain Atlyss armor sets can only be worn after choosing one of the 3 classes at level 10. These armors provide bonuses that benefit their specific class. Once you've selected a class, you cannot wear armor locked to other classes, as class choice is permanent for each character.

Atlyss Armor Customization Systems

Dyes for Atlyss Armor

Certain Atlyss armor pieces can be customized with dyes. Applied dye colors are consistent across all worn armor. Dye effects can be applied to:

  • Helms
  • Chestpieces
  • Leggings
  • Capes

Atlyss Armor Vanity System

Atlyss armor can be worn as vanity items over currently equipped gear. Key features:

  • Requires an Illusion Stone per transmog
  • Available for helms, chestpieces, leggings, capes, and shields
  • Rings and weapons cannot be transmogrified
  • Vanity items do not provide stat bonuses
  • Accessed via the vanity tab in the inventory menu

Atlyss Armor Categories


Leather Cap1CommonAny
Newfold Halo1CommonAny
Initiate Spectacles3CommonAny
Cryptsinge Halo5CommonAny
Iron Halo7CommonAny
Diva Crown7RareAny
Demicrypt Halo8CommonAny
Focus Circlet10CommonBandit
Magistrate Circlet10CommonMystic
Rage Circlet10CommonFighter
Journeyman Spectacles10CommonAny
Geistlord Crown12ExoticAny
Nethercrypt Halo14CommonAny
Mithril Halo16CommonAny
Glyphgrift Halo17CommonBandit
Jestercast Memory17CommonMystic
Knightguard Halo17CommonFighter
Geistlord Eye18ExoticAny
Dire Helm1CosmeticAny
Wizard Hat1CosmeticAny
Acolyte Hood1CosmeticAny


Initiate Cloak4CommonAny
Nokket Cloak6CommonAny
Rugged Cloak7CommonAny
Regazuul Cape12RareAny
Nethercrypt Cloak15CommonAny
Cozy Cloak15CommonAny
Forlorn Cloak16CommonAny
Meshlink Cape16CommonBandit
Sagecaller Cape16CommonMystic
Cobblerage Cloak17CommonFighter
Deathward Cape17RareAny


Aero Top1CommonAny
Leather Top1CommonAny
Necro Marrow1CommonAny
Nutso Top1CommonAny
Sagecloth Top1CommonAny
Slimecrust Chest2CommonAny
Worn Robe2CommonAny
Journeyman Vest3CommonAny
Ghostly Tabard4CommonAny
Cryptsinge Chest5CommonAny
Slimek Chest5CommonAny
Iron Chestpiece6CommonAny
Duelist Garb10CommonBandit
Tattered Battlerobe10CommonMystic
Warrior Chest10CommonFighter
Sleeper's Robe11CommonMystic
Lord Breastplate12RareFighter
Reapsow Garb12RareBandit
Witchlock Robe12RareMystic
Golem Chestpiece13CommonAny
Nethercrypt Tabard14CommonAny
Ornamented Battlerobe14CommonMystic
Mercenary Vestment15CommonAny
Mithril Chestpiece15CommonAny
Carbuncle Robe16CommonAny
Fortified Vestment16CommonMystic
Gemveil Raiment17CommonAny
Chainscale Chest17CommonAny
King Breastplate18RareFighter
Reaper Gi18RareBandit
Witchwizard Robe18RareMystic
Monolith Chestpiece18RareAny
Chainmail Guard20CommonAny
Berserker Chestpiece21RareFighter
Fuguefall Duster21RareBandit
Magilord Overalls21RareMystic
Silken Top1CosmeticAny
Vampiric Coat1CosmeticAny
Bunhost Garb1CosmeticAny
Noble Shirt1CosmeticAny
Test Chestpiece1CosmeticAny


Leather Britches1CommonAny
Necro Caustics1CommonAny
Sagecloth Shorts1CommonAny
Aero Pants1CommonAny
Nutso Pants1CommonAny
Slimecrust Leggings2CommonAny
Ghostly Legwraps3CommonAny
Journeyman Shorts3CommonAny
Slimek Leggings4CommonAny
Journeyman Leggings8CommonAny
Sash Leggings10CommonBandit
Warrior Leggings10CommonFighter
Lord Greaves12RareFighter
Reapsow Pants12RareBandit
Witchlock Loincloth12RareMystic
Chainmail Leggings13CommonAny
Mercenary Leggings15CommonAny
Darkcloth Pants16CommonAny
Stridebond Pants17CommonAny
King Greaves18RareFighter
Reaper Leggings18RareBandit
Witchwizard Garterbelt18RareMystic
Berserker Leggings21RareFighter
Fuguefall Pants21RareBandit
Magilord Boots21RareMystic
Silken Loincloth1CosmeticAny
Noble Pants1CosmeticAny
Vampiric Leggings1CosmeticAny
Bunhost Leggings1CosmeticAny
Test Pants1CosmeticAny


Wooden Shield1CommonAny
Crypt Buckler4CommonAny
Demicrypt Buckler6CommonAny
Iron Shield7CommonAny
Iris Shield12CommonMystic
Omen Shield12CommonFighter
Nethercrypt Shield14CommonAny
Mithril Shield16CommonAny
Rustweary Shield19CommonFighter
Rustwise Shield19CommonMystic


Old Ring1CommonAny
Ring of Ambition1CommonAny
Ambersquire Ring7CommonAny
Emeraldfocus Ring7CommonAny
Sapphireweave Ring7CommonAny
Geistlord Ring12ExoticAny
Students Ring12CommonAny
Pearlpond Ring15CommonAny
Slitherwraith Ring15CommonAny
Orbos Ring16CommonAny
Jadetrout Ring17CommonAny
Geistlord Band18ExoticAny
Earthwoken Ring20ExoticAny
Test Ring1CommonAny